63 Aesthetic Turn of Content - Philosophy & Music 03

What is the power of music - especially new music?

Philosophie und Neue Musik - Gehaltsästhetische Wende (in German only)

What is the power of music - especially new music? Uli Aumüller and Peter Moormann posed this question to the music sociologist Ferdinand Zehentreiter and the philosopher Harry Lehmann in the third episode of their series New Music and Philosophy. Is there not perhaps something like a hidden programme underlying New Music, despite all the charm of the mysterious and enigmatic - a positive or negative reference to the world which, despite all the novelty of New Music, runs as a constant through the history of music of the last 200 years?

Manuskript Printfassung 01-06

Kritik Süddeutsche Zeitung

This production can be ordered as a CD for 12,80 € from inpetto filmproduktion. Please send an email to: bestellungen@inpetto-filmproduktion.de

Cast & Crew

Uli Aumüller
Peter Moormann