Vorhang auf ... (2015)
17 short films by Uli Aumüller and Sebastian Rausch portray the artists of the Artists-in-Berlin Program of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program).
This series of short films portraits the artists of the Artists-in-Berlin Program in 2015. FINE ARTS: Ed Atkins (Großbritanien), Edith Dekyndt (Belgien), Sung Hwan Kim (Südkorea), Jirí Kovanda (Tschechische Republik), Sriwhana Spong (Neuseeland), Nguyen Trinh Thi (Vietnam) LITERATURE: Zsófia Bán (Ungarn), Joanna Bator (Polen), Luis Chaves (Costa Rica), Ellen Hinsey (USA/Frankreich), Lloyd Jones (Neuseeland), Lance Olsen (USA) MUSIC: Francesco Filidei (Italien), Mazen Kerbaj (Libanon), Karen Power (Irland) FILM: Clarissa Campolina (Brasilien), Eliane Raheb (Libanon)
The Berliner Künstlerprogramm – Artists-in-Berlin Program – is one of the most renowned international programs offering grants to artists in the fields of visual arts, literature, music and film. Since 1963, some 20 grants are awarded to international artists for an approximately one year stay in Berlin. The names of over 1.000 former guests impressively underscore the quality of the program. In its almost 50 years of existence, it has made a significant contribution to the international representation of contemporary arts in Berlin.
From the very beginning, the Berliner Künstlerprogramm has defined itself as a forum of artistic dialogue which extends beyond cultural, geographical and, certainly, beyond political borders. This forum is effective and vigorous not only through the work and presence of the artists living in the city, but also through the approximately 100 events a year which the Berliner Künstlerprogramm hosts in conjunction with its guests in Berlin and other cities, and not least, by the international juries of experts in the four sections who decide upon the invitations to be issued. In this way, standpoints of the international artistic avant-garde are mediated, not only in Berlin, stimulating both aesthetic and political discourse. In Berlin, the center of activities is the daadgalerie on Zimmerstraße.
Artists in the fields of literature, film and music may submit an application to the Berliner Künstlerprogramm, application forms can be downloaded at www.berliner-kuenstlerprogramm.de under the link scholarship. Artists in the visual arts cannot submit their own application. In this field an international jury nominates artists for the invitations.
Cast & Crew
- Director
- Uli Aumüller
- Editor (Cut)
- Sebastian Rausch