61 Essay about Music and Language - Philosophy & Music 01

From the "Philosophy of New Music" to the "Attempt on Music and Language".

Philosophie und Neue Musik – Von der „Philosophie der Neuen Musik“ bis zum „Versuch über Musik und Sprache“ (in German only)

It has been around 60 years since Theodor W. Adorno's "Philosophy of New Music" was published. Time enough for some authors to dare to follow in the footsteps of the great philosopher to write new philosophies of music, not only of New Music, but also of the music that followed New Music. While Adorno worked on the transition from tonal to atonal music, contemporary philosophers now have to grapple with new media, for example. In a short series in 6 parts, Uli Aumüller and Peter Moormann try to give an overview of the new philosophical currents - and start with Albrecht Wellmer's "Versuch über Musik und Sprache" of the music of John Cage and Helmut Lachenmann and the sociological approach to music by Harry Lehmann.

Manuskript Printfassung 01-06

Kritik Süddeutsche Zeitung

This production can be ordered as a CD for 12,80 € from inpetto filmproduktion. Please send an email to: bestellungen@inpetto-filmproduktion.de

Cast & Crew

Uli Aumüller
Peter Moormann
Editorial Jounalist
Helmut Rohm