58 Dunkelblau
Boy meets girl - a very simple story ...
The story has a very simple 'boy meets girl' scheme. A man shuts himself inside a cabin in order to write without any disturbances. But a phone call from his jealous wife catches up with him - something must have happened between them earlier. Is it a nocturnal fantasy, a dream or a real meeting: a long uninterrupted monologue by the woman follows, vowing to the love for this man and the power of love in general.
Why does she address her friend as if he is in hiding or nameless? Why doesn't he answer? "Hark, the voice of my friend!", she says. Where is he? Where is he hiding and why? Possibly her text evokes the sounds of nature, orchestrated by its sounds until it hears her voice. The woman being the voice of nature - nature the voice of the woman. A very wondrous text written as a mesostichon about the Song of Songs.
In the third part of the essay both bare themselves to each other, a man and a woman, porn for the ears - that, at least, is what the music suggests - the text however tells the opposite. In this essay it is never really clear when and who talks with whom. The man and the woman or heaven and earth? Sulamith and Solomon or St. Anthony who in his writings hallucinates about a mystic Sybil? Is it about the magic of speech or the voice making sounds.
It shows that even the simplest of themes (boy meets girl), once set in motion, can become incredibly complicated - just like in real life.
The visualized version of 'Darkblue' features pictures taken during a stroll in winter through the woods of Vorpommern.
They are definitely the wrong pictures - the wrong season and the wrong place. The story of the essay unfolds at the seaside - and sounds like it is springtime or early summer. The leafless alder trees and beeches, the spruces and pines covered in snow, the barely frozen brooks and seas will allow the imagination of the listener to wander freely. They keep a certain rhythm but don't annotate.
This essay was conceived during many such strolls, a fantasy of a free wandering sprit, before it was written down - near Letschin in Oderbruch, also the place of residence of Theodor Fontane. The mixing and composing of the music was done in Montréal - the spoken text was recorded at the Baltic seaside, in the garden of Grand Hotel Kempinski in Heiligendamm.
Script english
Skript deutsch
Kritik Süddeutsche Zeitung
You can order this production on CD from inpetto filmproduktion for 12,80 €. To do so please write an email to: bestellungen@inpetto-filmproduktion.de
Cast & Crew
- Director
- Uli Aumüller
- Original Score
- Christian Calon